Who we are

Our Mission
The NCCBA exists to nurture and network churches who passionately love God and are committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

• Healthy local churches living out the great commandment and great commission.casinoclic.com/fr
• Churches and Pastors with a love of lifelong learning.
• Churches with the vision, tools, and commitment to plant new churches.
• NCCBA Churches and Pastors pursuing our Covenantal Relationships.
• Individuals equipped to do coaching, assessment and intervention for our Churches and Pastors
• Pastor clusters that are growing both in number and vitality.
• A Regional Office with sufficient financial and material resources to serve our Churches and Pastors.

Our Values

Great Commandment/Great Commission beliefs and lifestyles
• The local church as God’s instrument to build His kingdom
• Biblically healthy leadership and relational patterns
• Biblically orthodox theology and authentic, culturally relevant ministry methods
• Spiritual reproduction for both individuals and groups
• Interdependence of both individuals and churches
• Small groups as a key place for believers to experience all aspects of church life
• Lost people because God values them

Our Heart

The heart of NCCBA is to serve our local churches by helping and encouraging their leaders:
pastors, staff, and boards.

We want to energize them with a Great Commandment passion that loves God and His people and
equip them to fulfill the Great Commission mandate of making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our heart
is to have a growing region of Biblically healthy churches that are alive with God’s heart to see the
people come to new life and maturity in Christ.